Rates for guest rooms

From 95 to 105 euros + tourist tax (0.70 euro per night and per person for 2024), per night in a double room, breakfast included.

Minimum reservation of 2 nights for the months of June, July, August.

Payment by check, cash, transfers, Paylib.

Arrival from 4:00 p.m.

Departure at 10:30 a.m.

Prices for additional services

Evening meal 28 euros, coffee and 1 glass of wine included. Menu according to season.

You can also choose a bottle of wine from local Côtes du Forez producers.

We also offer beers from the local brewery “La Canaille” as well as “Parot” mineral water.

(contact us to find out the menu and prices).

Swimming pool: Due to the increase in energy costs, the swimming pool is open from 4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. during the winter.

Sauna: 5 euros per session.

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